Coke riera/Ticuí
Vivian Alderete/Ticuí
Vivian Alderete/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Paula P/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Vivian Alderete/Ticuí
Coke riera/Ticuí
Vivian Aderete/Ticuí
Coke riera/Ticuí
Vivian Alderete/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Paula P/Ticuí
Coke Riera/Ticuí
Guide Michelin
Cuisine mexicaine
L'avis du Guide Michelin
If you‘re hankering for Mexican cuisine in the Spanish capital, at Ticuí (the sister restaurant of Puntarena) you’ll find the true essence of Mexican cooking in an attractively appointed and contemporary setting. The dishes on offer, combining tradition and modernity, are particularly made for sharing. Its corn tortillas are prepared here every morning on a traditional “comal” griddle.
Cedaceros 628014 Madrid